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AAS 235 and Beyond

Off to Hawaii

Next week I’ll be at the 235th meeting of the American Astronomical Society, aka AAS 235. This is the big annual winter conference of (mostly) US-based astronomers, and this will be a near record turnout - over 3400 scientists!

The meeting this year will be held in Honolulu (last year was Seattle), which is a great place to attend a conference. But, it also will have a backdrop of controversy

I go to this meeting (almost) every year, and it has become an important part of my annual motivation and working mindset. I’m excited to see many familiar faces, make new friends, and learn a ton of new things. You can follow the meeting via Twitter here!

Here’s my pre-meeting video, with a few tips for the conference and being respectful in Hawaii. Tips for AAS 235

And Beyond

2 years ago I started my YouTube channel series, dubbed “Astro Vlog”, at the AAS meeting in DC (you can see the videos from THAT meeting here). Since then I’ve published 88 videos in the Astro Vlog series, with roughly weekly content. It’s been a wonderful project for me, helping me learn new skills (hello video editing basics), go on new adventures, and CREATE new things for the world. Like writing this blog (and especially the archive that goes back to 2012!), realizing ideas and putting them on the internet in video form has been incredibly rewarding.

Going forward in 2020, I’ll probably dial back the Astro Vlog some. I hope to keep posting cool videos throughout the year, including travel, talks I’m giving, and maybe even some new data visualization. Similarly, I’ll keep posting to this blog as well. I don’t think these long-term projects really come to an end, they just get re-prioritized as my life and creativity changes.

In 2020 I’ll continue to see you here on the internet!

It means a LOT to me if you could subscribe to my YouTube channel!

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